One of the biggest compliments you can give your photographer is to continue going back to them for photos again and again. It means the absolute world to me that The Hutchison Family has trusted me to document their family three times now, and it's always such an honor to be trusted to take their photos throughout the years. Instead of waiting until fall this year, they decided on a summer session & went all out with their adorable red, white, and blue outfits!
This year we headed out to the lake and had an absolutely gorgeous summer night for photos. This particular spot is typically pretty crowded, but we were able to make it work and I think their photos turned out great!!
Last year, Annie was barely walking and it's crazy to see how much she's grown since then. Nathan and Jacob were both SO excited to be able to "hike" through the woods and explore before getting to this spot and it was absolutely precious to see how much Annie looks up to both of them. If the boys were doing something, she was right there with them! And I just HAVE to mention all of the character and emotion that shows through her facial expressions . . . she was cracking me up!
Tony & Donna, thank you so much for always trusting me to capture and document your family. You all are always so much fun to work with and I'm so glad that we were able to take summer photos this year at such a dream location!! You guys are the best!!

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