David and I had a trip up to visit a few of the New England states about three months ago and I've been so incredibly busy that I haven't even had the chance to go through and look at these photos that we took while there. Now that I've finally found the time to sit down and go through them, I am in LOVE. All of these photos were taken on the coastline of a little beach in Portland, Maine. With a view like this, it was almost impossible to take a bad photo.

David and I often take self portraits when we travel, but I had actually broken my nice tripod the day before all of these were taken. The risk of setting my Nikon on top of my flimsy backup tripod was too great for me to take, so these were all actually taken on my GoPro. What?? I know, right? One of my favorite investments thus far.

Why haven't I had the chance to sit down and go through these this summer? I have been SO busy with going back to school! I actually just finished up my first semester of graduate school and feel like the past eight weeks have been such a whirlwind.

David has been such an incredible blessing through it all and I'm so thankful he's been able to help me study and give me words of encouragement. After having four months of freedom to dedicate my time to everything else, getting back into classes was quite an adjustment for both of us.

I think taking a few months away from these photos has also been such a blessing to me. I edited a few here and there once we got back from our trip to quickly post to Instagram, but I really feel like I've now been able to put in the time I've needed with editing and have truly gotten colors I am in LOVE with. It's the little things that make the biggest differences.

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, and I'm so thankful that I get to spend my life exploring all of these beautiful places with my best friend. I would eventually love love love love to get into destination and travel photography for couples, but until that dream works out I love being able to capture my own little love story while making the very best memories.

Thanks so much for checking out today's blog post and reading more about this crazy, beautiful adventure I call life. If you're interested in setting up a session (whether in Cincinnati or in a beautiful location like MAINE) just reach out and let me know! I'd love to chat and set something up!