Ohhhh my heart! This little trio was so much fun to work with. Everyone, meet the Havlin Family!

I met Melissa this past summer when I was interning and going to a wedding every weekend. Remember when I went through that phase of using flowers in EVERYTHING because I would get them from a wedding the night before? Yup. We'll get back to that in a bit, because Melissa and I are one in the same.

First, we'll get to Theo. I mean, just look at him! Those bright blue eyes and chubby little cheeks just get me every. single. time.

He's a little over four months old and is SO well behaved. He didn't make a peep throughout our entire session and really made an effort to look at the camera!

You can tell that he is so loved and it's so easy to see how much his parents admire him. He was an absolute champ. We started our session at Fernbank Park (which is a super cute little place, I had never actually been there before!) before moving inside due to Theo getting a little chilly.

But before we move to the indoor shots, I just want to point out how well they coordinated their outfits. I mean, look at them. That olive green and gray combo has my heart so full.

They are so precious. I love little families. From Fernbank Park, we headed over to their home to get a few Christmas shots of Theo. I won't share all of them here, but here are a few of my favorites. Remember when I said that Melissa and I were one in the same? Well. She worked a wedding this past weekend and got to snag some of the greenery . . . you can guess that we put it to great use!!

And of course, these precious eyes.

I absolutely loved this session and this little family. If you're interested in setting something up for your family for Christmas this year, feel free to reach out to me so we can work something out! I'm excited to hear from you! And just to close it out on a great note: