Oh my goodness, friends. Meet Olivia.

Olivia is one of my cousins and agreed to meet me in Over The Rhine this past week for a little portrait session. She's a junior at Oak Hills and turned 17 last week. I feel like I've watched her grow up and I'm so proud of the person she's growing into.

When we were younger, I remember wanting to have photoshoots in our living rooms and we would hang sheets up so we would have a clean backdrop to "model" in front of. My aunts would take thousands of photos of us with hundreds of different outfits and poses. Looking back, I bet we would be so proud at how much we've improved at this "photoshoot" thing.

We didn't have much time since Olivia is a busy bee and came straight from school and left to go to soccer practice, but we were able to mosey around OTR and find SO many cool spots.

Every time I'm typically in OTR, it's for an event or for a fun night with friends. It was so much fun to be there for photos and I feel like I have so many new spots to stop at next time I shoot down there, because I absolutely plan on going back!

Olivia was SO much fun too. Totally up for my crazy poses and what probably seemed like questionable places for photos. Like random walls and alleys :)

We definitely got our fair share of interesting looks and unnecessary comments, but a little judgement is worth it for how these photos turned out.

I always always always say that working with couples is my absolutely favorite thing to do in regards to photography, but this little session may have changed my mind. High schoolers? Yes please! We had so much fun and I would LOVE to get more into working with seniors!

Even though she's not a senior yet, we talked a bit about college and she's thinking about majoring in criminal justice. She's not sure where yet, but she has plenty of time!

I just feel like we got SO many good shots, and this isn't even all of them!! This has been such a busy week with photography for me, but I couldn't help but edit these ASAP. I still just can't even get over how GORGEOUS she looks! And so grown up!

Bottom line is that we had a great time and I can't wait to book a few more seniors over the next few months. If you're interested, send me a message and we can set something up!

Thanks for making it this far, I know today's post was long! I appreciate you!