The best foods always have secret ingredients, right? Yes. My favorite foods are all made with love, and this little Sunday baking session was filled with lots & lots of love.

Welcome back to another self portrait blog post! Aside from working with other couples, working with my own relationship is my favorite. For those of you who don't know, this is David :)

David and I have a long distance relationship and I was recently able to drive up and visit him. He just moved into a new house and we had to break it in with some photos! What better way to do that than planning our little session around making cookies!

When I say that "we" made cookies, I really mean that David made me cookies while I kept him company and took his picture.

This past Christmas my mom bought David this SUPER cheesy apron after he agreed to help grill out for us one night. I'm pretty sure he's never actually worn it before we took these photos, but he had the idea to grab it and I am SO glad he did. I mean, look at him!

Anyways, it doesn't take very long to put pre-made cookies into the oven to bake, so we took a few other photos while we waited.

David makes me so happy and I just can't say it enough. It was so much fun being able to take such a simple space and make it so fun and special. Everyone's home has the ability to do this, and I think that's why in home sessions are so important to have.

We actually ended up making lunch and watching a movie before we even bothered touching the cookies again, but we did get to take a few photos in his living room just to wrap things up.

Goofy and fun and just the way I like to spend my weekends.

The few days we spent together for this visit marked more than one milestone in our relationship, and it makes me so excited to see how we will continue to change and grow in the future. Our self portrait abilities have dramatically improved over the past two years, and it's awesome to be able to have these blog posts to look back on.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read about a day in the life. Don't be afraid to contact me to set up a session to document your own :)